01534 877597

Surveys and Reports

Capstone undertakes many different types of surveys and reports on houses and historic buildings of all types, size and age. The photos show a selection of different properties we have reported on over recent years.

Typical projects include client's looking to bring back a ruin into use, home buyers who have had a mortgage report highlighting the need for a Chartered Structural Engineer's report on specific areas of concern, or simply home buyers seeking advice on the overall structural condition of a property before proceeding with the purchase. Many of our past clients are people who have taken a 'leap of faith' in purchasing a neglected listed or historic building.

Having a good understanding of historic buildings, we can often specify less work as a result, knowing the true strength and robustness of the original structure. All surveys are undertaken by a Chartered Structural Engineer who is Conservation Accredited, and also a 'Full Member' of the IHBC (the qualification most Conservation Officers also hold).

The fee and scope of work is agreed up front and the report issued in a timely manner following the visit. If structural issues are discovered which we consider require strengthening repair, then we can 'follow through' and design the repairs, as we did with the Old Hall project.